The Pros and Cons of Delta 8 | What to Know Before You Try

The Pros and Cons of Delta 8 | What to Know Before You Try

What to Know Before You Try


Delta-8 edibles. We’re a bit biased, but we absolutely love them. And our customers do, too.

With that said, no body is exactly the same. So every body reacts to the THC in Delta-8 edibles differently. We like to think the pros tend outweigh the cons. But it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you get started.

Especially if this is your first time using a Delta-8 THC edible.

In this guide, we try to be completely transparent about what users love – and what they don’t really love – about Delta-8 edible gummies.

P.S. Want to share your feedback? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Reach out to us on Instagram. It’s run by real humans who truly care about what you think.

Without further ado!


What are the Cons of Delta-8 Edibles?

While many users have a predominantly-positive experience with Delta-8 THC, some of the reported cons include the potential for dry mouth, a different tolerance level than D9, difficulty dosing appropriately, a delayed high, and unwanted appetite stimulation.

Let’s dive into these in more detail:


1. Cotton or Dry Mouth

Cotton mouth – or dry mouth – is a common symptom with many cannabinoid products including CBD and marijuana. Delta-8 edibles can also produce this same side effect. Some users state that their mouth feels overly dry – like it’s been filled with cotton after consuming a Delta-8 gummy.

However, this can easily be resolved by having your trusty reusable bottle of H2O handy. Staying hydrated is important, but it’s especially important to help prevent cotton mouth while using Delta-8 or any THC product.


2. A Varied Tolerance from Delta-9

No two strains of Delta-9 are the same, as many regular users will tell you. That’s why sites like are so successful. But users may find that their tolerance for Delta-8 vs Delta-9 also varies.

Some regular D9 users may need to take a bit more D8 in order to feel its effects fully. Others will find that their tolerance to D8 is highly sensitive, despite a higher tolerance to D9.

We always recommend starting with a half or quarter dose of gummy to evaluate its effectiveness for you – regardless of your previous THC experience.


3. Difficulty Dosing the Edible for the Desired Result

This is a common downfall for any edible. That’s because the effects not only vary from person to person. But they can also vary for you depending on the day. The amount of food you’ve consumed, your life stressors, how hydrated you are, your environment, and your personal tolerance can all contribute to how a Delta-8 gummy will feel.

The important thing is to read user reviews and look for trends in effects. In general, Delta-8 gummy users report a calm, clear-headed high that has less paranoia than Delta-9 THC. A great night’s sleep and the giggles can also be expected, based on user reviews.

Pay attention to your dosing and your environmental impacts to keep track of how much gummy you should take to get your desired effects. For example, less D8 will likely lead to a productive high. Whereas a larger dose may cause drowsiness.

Wondering how much Delta 8 to take? We put together a Delta 8 dosage chart to help you get started.


4. A Delayed High

Like any edible, your body will metabolize the THC at a varied rate. One day, you may feel the effects after just 30 minutes. Another day, it may take up to 90 minutes to reach your maximum high.

But one thing that’s common for new users is an unintentional increasing in dosing. You may not feel the full effects after 45 minutes, so you take a bit more. This can lead to a larger high than you were expecting as your body metabolizes the THC in your system already, plus the additional THC you took because you didn’t feel the effects right away. This can lead to feeling – frankly – a bit more high than you bargained for.

Always wait at least 90 minutes to see how your body feels before increasing your dose, especially the first few times you try a THC gummy.



5. Unwanted Appetite Increase

The National Cancer Institute lists appetite stimulation as one of the properties of Delta-8. Appetite stimulation can be a huge benefit for those that struggle with an appetite.

But that may not be the case for everyone, which is why we’re listing it as a con here. You may find yourself craving more food after eating a Delta-8 edible. Now, if you had a big night in planned with your favorite pizza place on speed-dial, you can rejoice. Because that food might just taste a heck of a lot better after a Delta-8 gummy.

Here’s a complete guide to Delta 8’s effects on your appetite.


What are the Pros of Delta-8 Edibles?

It’s important to consider any possible negative side effect before trying a new THC product. But the positive effects, for many users, significantly outweigh the cons.

We asked 13 individuals to try Delta-8 edibles and report on their experience. Check out the full article for more details and to watch user reviews in full. These users reported a clear, calm mind. Lots and lots of giggles. Productivity and creativity. A better night’s sleep. And they turned everyday experiences into the extraordinary.

For a more comprehensive list of potential benefits from sources including the National Cancer Institute, check out this post. Reported benefits may include anti-nausea, anti-anxiety effects, natural pain relief, increased productivity, and more.

Want to try some for yourself? We’ve got new flavors in stock that can ship right to your door. Shop Delta-8 Edibles from Moonwlkr here.


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