Delta 8 Edibles | The Guide for Beginners

Delta 8 Edibles | The Guide for Beginners

Convenience. Great taste. Accessibility. And the potential for some really awesome effects. These are just some of the reasons why experienced cannabis users and newbies alike are starting to try Delta-8 edibles.

If you’re thinking about giving Delta 8 edibles a try, here’s a guide that will help.


What is a Delta-8 Edible?

Delta-8 edibles are any food, usually gummies, that contain Delta-8 THC.


Delta-8 Gummies by MoonWLKR


Remind me again.. What is Delta-8?

Delta-8 THC, also referred to as D8, Δ8 THC, and Delta 8, is a rare cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. Delta 8 THC is slightly psychoactive but is reported to be less intoxicating than Delta-9 THC.


What’s the Difference Between a Delta 8 Edible and a Cannabis-Based Edible?

Great question. There are a few key differences between a Delta 8 edible and a traditional, cannabis-based edible.

The first is that Delta-9 is a traditional version of THC. It’s what you likely consume when you smoke cannabis or consume edibles that your friends made. Delta-8 is known to deliver a similar high, psychoactive feeling, without the paranoia or anxiety associated with Delta-9 THC.


What to Know about Delta-8 Edibles

1. They’re a halfway point between CBD & THC

It’s important to note that the effects of Delta 8 will vary per person. However, many users have described Delta 8 as, “a sweet spot between CBD and THC.” Delta 8 is often associated with feelings of clarity, euphoria, and for its calming effects.


2. They’re federally legal and accessible in most states

Delta 8, for the time being, is federally legal. And many states allow you to purchase Delta 8 products in store or online. That makes this kind of edible easy to access for those 18-and-older in a state which permits Delta 8 sales and purchasing. Always review your state’s guidelines before purchasing any cannabis product.

Is Delta 8 Legal in My State Graphic


3. They taste great

Delta-8 companies often innovate new flavors and products to consume Delta-8. So you can shop around for the one that’s most appealing to you.


4. They’re great for beginners

Unlike the pot brownies your friend might bring to a party, taking a Delta-8 gummy gives you clarity into the exact mg dosing of THC you’re consuming. This not only gives you peace of mind, but is important for beginners who may not understand their own tolerance just yet.

Read more about the benefits of Delta-8 THC here.


What to Look for in a Delta-8 Gummy

If it’s your first time buying Delta 8 you may be wondering what to look for in a great product. You should look for quality ingredients, a reputable company, and for independent lab testing. Here are some additional buying tips for beginners:

  1. The ingredients: Commercially-purchased Delta 8 gummies will usually list Delta 8 THC and/or plant-derived Terpenes on the label.
  2. The flavor: With new innovative products arriving on the market all the time, be sure to pick a flavor that you like best. Blueberry and watermelon are great flavors to try first.
  3. The brand & reviews: Choose a brand that is established and has a great organic following. And always be sure to read through the product reviews. Delta 8 is a relatively new and emerging market. So choose a brand that you love and trust.
  4. THC content per gummy: The average gummy will have anywhere from 20-25 mg of THC per gummy. It’s important to review the mg dosage of your gummy before consuming. The THC content should be clearly listed on both the purchasing website and the labeling. If this is your first time taking a Delta 8 gummy, you may also want to half or quarter your gummy to evaluate it’s unique effects for you.
  5. Independent lab testing: Part of that trust comes from transparency. Independent lab testing for products should be freely available and accessible from any commercial site that you decide to purchase from.


What Does a Delta-8 High Feel Like?

Users report feeling relaxed, calm, clear-headed, giggly, sleepy, and hungry, among other feelings. With both a body and a head high, some users recommended starting with smaller doses, like a half or quarter gummy.

Want to know more about what Delta 8 feels like? Head on over to our article where 13 people share their experience with Delta 8.



Will Delta-8 Show Up on a Drug Test?

Yes. Even though Delta-8 is derived from the hemp plant, which is federally legal, Delta-8 THC is still, at it’s core, THC. Drug tests do not look for the type of THC in your system, only it’s presence.

Want to learn more about how long Delta 8 stays in your system? Here’s our science-backed guide.


How Much Delta-8 Should I Take?

The answer to this question is heavily based on your own experience and tolerance. If you’re new to Delta-8 THC, or just nervous about taking too much, we highly recommend starting with a half dose (about 12.5 mg) or a quarter dose (about 6.25 mg). This will allow you to evaluate the unique effects for your body and adjust your dosing accordingly over time.

We recommend waiting a full 90-minutes before increasing your dose.

Wondering how much Delta 8 to take? We put together a Delta 8 dosage chart to help you get started.


Ordering Delta 8 Gummies Online. What’s it Like?

Take a peek at this unboxing video to learn more about the MOONWLKR Delta 8 online ordering experience:


Ready to give MOONWLKR Delta-8 Gummies a try? Check our our supply of edibles here.


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